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Rune Nyrup and Demetra Brady: Philosophy Exchange Podcast

Senior Research Fellow Rune Nyrup and current Student Fellow Demetra Brady recently spoke with members from the Philosophy Exchange podcast about the research at Leverhulme CFI as well as current issues in AI Ethics. A description of the episode is provided below and can be listened to here.

Topics discussed included the research activities of the centre; a working definition of AI before moving on to discuss the value-ladenness of AI; the importance of informed consent in supposedly opaque and complex AI systems and current issues in AI ethics.

Philosophy Exchange on AI is a special series hosted by members of the Philosophy Exchange community. The project was launched in 2020  as an outreach for individuals passionate about philosophy to share ideas through podcasts, blog posts, and informal colloquia. Further information about the group can be found on Twitter @PhilXchange, Instagram, and

Image credit: C D-X on Unsplash

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